I met a very charming, handsome and intelligent man who seemed to really like being with me. We would text each other in between the times we would have a date and they would become very sexually explicit, things he wanted to do.
The guy who's stringing you along will move onto the next subject whenever anything about the future comes up. He's a master at dodging the bullet, and you can never count on definite plans with.
Then he wanted nude pics, but I didn’t mind because we had been intimate already. After that his sexual ideas became stranger, wanting two girls at the same time, experimenting with animals (neither of which ever happened ). This went on for almost a year, talking about his desires and dating once or twice a month. Then when I became annoyed at his insistence on having other women he started acting angry, said I was being too sensitive and began to deliberately push my buttons every time we talked, eventually leading to the breakup.
Is this the behavior of a narcissist?.
You may not think about or care to admit it, but your gut knows when you are being strung along. Yet, it’s still helpful to know how to stop being strung along by a guy. Blitzkrieg 2 download.
Is there a way to stop rehashing the past and rehearsing the future? Is there a way to stop being strung along by a guy?Here’s what I’ve learned:Waiting around for someone to validate you from a call or text back is a slow and eventual murder of your self-esteem. And without, you will always look to others to give you worth and value. Unavailable guys are all too willing to accommodate because just like desperation, they can smell a backbone-less, insecure girl from a mile away. One that will put up with their unavailability, not pressure them into anything serious, and that they can keep stringing along.If this sounds familiar guess what? You’re living in the land of delusional limbo and robbing yourself at the same time.It’s kind of like going to Las Vegas with friends and instead of going out to enjoy the food, shops, the spa, the shows, and the clubs you spend all your time at the casino playing this one sh.tty slot machine. Your friends tell you to give it a rest but you’re in so deep, you’ve convinced yourself that the second you leave and “give up,” someone much less deserving is going to sit down and win your jackpot.
So what happens? You never win the big jackpot. You end up broke and your friends have all given up on you. The vacation is over. You’ve wasted your time and feel worse than you ever did before you sat down to play as a jackpot hopeful.There was no convincing you otherwise while you were playing. You were in a trance.
Very focused and rightfully so. You put everything you had – all of your money, emotions, and happiness into a game in which the house always wins.Waiting around for someone to be ready or change is not love. It’s a massive.When you wait around for and continually excuse someone that, they’re never going to view your dedication to them as“Wow! I’m so lucky. Look at how much of an unavailable jerk I’ve been and look at this gem in front of me. I see it all now. She has put up with so much crap from me.
I’m so lucky and ready to put a ring on it. I will never behave this way again even though I’ve been consistently doing so my entire life.”He’s going to thinkI can use her for an easy hookup when I want. She puts up with my behavior, helps me out, and I can do whatever I want in the meantime. She can’t have that much self-respect if she keeps putting up with what I’m doing. There is nothing to chase because she’s always there. Who else is around?”This is what you need to remember.
I have bounced this off of many men (and personally, learned the hard way)Allowing yourself to be strung along does not translate to you or anyone around you that you are being selfless, dedicated, patient, admirable and that you are a keeper or a good catch. It translates that you are in denial, need validation like you need oxygen, and have zero.What if Liam Neeson did that in the movie Taken? What If he allowed himself to get strung along by the kidnappers who had his daughter and stayed in this fearful limbo where he avoided everything? Those movies did so well because Neeson’s character takes life by the balls, is dynamic, and takes action.Be the dynamic character in your own life – not some flailing, indecisive, scared, and overly chatty doormat.You deserve more than being strung along and waiting around for someone to change, make up their mind, have space, have time to think, get clean, get help, leave their girlfriend, grow up, etc.
Even if he asks you on bended knee with roses and a 10 string orchestra to wait for him, set your and remember that you need to value your own time and have your own back first.“But I don’t know if I’m really getting strung along, Natasha.”YES. DO.Your gut knows because you feel more confused than secure and are more depressed than you are happy.I realized that 100% of the time I was being strung along and waiting was because I was afraid of failure and terrified of. As long as I could be the mayor of limbo land, I didn’t have to deal. I always had something to talk about with my girlfriends. There was always some issue of his to obsess over and some problem of his that I needed to better to fix.When the right guy comes along (yes, they exist), you will both choose each other. I dated a lot from the age of 17 and you know what?
The first relationship that I ever had where the was a mutual choosing of one another wasn’t until I was much older and many years had passed. That doesn’t have to be you.Anyone who strings you along does not value, respect or love you enough because they don’t value, respect, and love themselves enough. They are all too comfortable with keeping the Happily Ever After door open just enough for you to have hope and stick around while they continue to use you.Stop waiting for life to “happen” when someone changes and start making changes within by acting on the recognition of the strings that you are no longer willing to latch onto.This is how to stop being strung along by a guy.x Natasha+ If you need further and more personalized help with your relationship, please look into working with me. I love and I am so so grateful for this post and your wisdom.
Every bit of it is so on point. Of course I know I’m being strung along by “that guy I can’t get over.” This has been going on for about two years. When we met, we dated for about 3 months straight until he disappeared. Then he’s messed with my mind since.
Of course I could’ve walked away when he first disappeared, but I didn’t because I liked him. I would justify many of actions. And here I am now, still in the same cycle. We go without talking for like 2 or 3 months, then reconnect and “catch up.” When we do hang out he acts like if we’re dating. Pays for dinner, holds my hand, let’s me sleep over, cuddles, blah.blah.blah. Obvious, because he could get what he wants with no labels and commitment involved.
I’ve tried cutting things off completely, but I never follow through (and it doesn’t help that his brother is my neighbor)( and no that’s not how we met, it was just coincidence) so I see him often either way. My point is, I’m very much aware of the situation I’m in. I’ve asked my self, have I lost my dignity? Because I know I deserve so much more.
Yet I just can’t seem to get over “that guy!”. I knew in my gut that I have been strung along and lied to for the past year, but I stilled googled itfor validation. This couldn’t be more on point and exactly describes me. I’m finding the strength to walk away from a hopeless situation and face my fears of rejection and loneliness associated with my marriage ending because my ex had an affair. This guy was the first I felt comfortable enough getting close to since my divorce and he smelled the insecurity and willingness to put up with anything from a mile away. And he quickly formed that ‘exclusive, but I need time to be completely committed’ relationship with me. I’ve had someone contact me to tell me he’s seeing other women.
I confronted him, he denied. I find him on dating websites and call him out. He turns it around on me, ‘why are you on the site?’. He won’t tell me what our relationship is, and every time I ‘walk away’ he doesn’t fight for me to stay, and now pretty much expects me to come running back a week later and pick up right where we left off, without any discussion or conversation about what was bothering me.
Because he knows I won’t challenge it out of fear of him walking away. It has to stop. And it stops now. I’m reading this every day to remind myself that I’m worth more, I need to work on me, and that I’m wasting my time with him. Thank you so much!!
Hello Natasha, I wish I knew you a long time ago. I have tears running down my face; as you said it so real, & raw.
Omg I needed to hear this truth. I cannot believe; but I do believe as I needed this So bad. Why has no one else in my life said this in this manner to me?It’s been 8 years with Chris.
& I never completely realized this so clearly as I do today, right now. Justified tears. humiliation, just grew up. Needed s strong mom who felt good about herself. I’m helped Now.denise. Thank you so much for this. Every single relationship I’ve ever had has been this, and I am so unbelievably angry with myself for letting those men decide my self worth.
Pcgameswindows.com provides more than 50 different game categories: free PC Games, perplexing arcades, dazzling puzzles and brain-twisters, captivating games for boys and girls, absorbing board games, etc.All the free pc games from Pcgameswindows.com are totally free and have no time limits, so that you can have download games at once! On our website you will find a great number of best free pc games download. Bike race free games download. Choose any you like, download it now and enjoy stunning graphics, marvelous sound effect and diverse music of this free PC games.Bookmark our website and come back for downloading and playing PC Games as often as you wish!If you like play free pc games you can try too.Download free games for pc now and dive into the bright world of joy! Bike Racing GamesBike Racing Games Free Download For PC!Our free Games For PC are downloadable for windows 7/8/8.1/10/xp/vista.We provide you with the latest selection of free games download that will bring you lots of fun! Enjoy playing top-class PC games any time you want!
Every time I got into a relationship I became unhappy and insecure. Compared myself to other women. Obsessed over their exes. Tried to be the one who was always there. Tried to turn myself into the perfect person for them. Became everything but myself.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why do we do this? Since when did I become this insecure? I’m not doing this ever again.
I’m so happy I googled this and found your article. Thank you so much for writing it you have no idea how much strength you’ve just given me. God bless xx.
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you Natasha. I am in this exact situation currently, only it is my girlfriend who is acting this way. This is one of the best articles I’ve found addressing this. I’m the guy, but I’m the caring & empathetic one.
I think it’s because, to me, real love is such a wonderful thing. It has been a heart breaking rollercoaster not being treated as a priority, & I know I deserve better. The funny thing is I am very confident in myself, & am generally very alpha, but this has been a real blow to my self esteem, because it’s hard to let go of someone you really love. To all the ladies reading this, there are a lot of amazing guys out there that don’t act like this, I am proof. Don’t lose hope; You’re valuable just like me.
Thank you all for having genuine hearts, & for all the effort you put in.
I met a very charming, handsome and intelligent man who seemed to really like being with me. We would text each other in between the times we would have a date and they would become very sexually explicit, things he wanted to do.
The guy who\'s stringing you along will move onto the next subject whenever anything about the future comes up. He\'s a master at dodging the bullet, and you can never count on definite plans with.
Then he wanted nude pics, but I didn’t mind because we had been intimate already. After that his sexual ideas became stranger, wanting two girls at the same time, experimenting with animals (neither of which ever happened ). This went on for almost a year, talking about his desires and dating once or twice a month. Then when I became annoyed at his insistence on having other women he started acting angry, said I was being too sensitive and began to deliberately push my buttons every time we talked, eventually leading to the breakup.
Is this the behavior of a narcissist?.
You may not think about or care to admit it, but your gut knows when you are being strung along. Yet, it’s still helpful to know how to stop being strung along by a guy. Blitzkrieg 2 download.
Is there a way to stop rehashing the past and rehearsing the future? Is there a way to stop being strung along by a guy?Here’s what I’ve learned:Waiting around for someone to validate you from a call or text back is a slow and eventual murder of your self-esteem. And without, you will always look to others to give you worth and value. Unavailable guys are all too willing to accommodate because just like desperation, they can smell a backbone-less, insecure girl from a mile away. One that will put up with their unavailability, not pressure them into anything serious, and that they can keep stringing along.If this sounds familiar guess what? You’re living in the land of delusional limbo and robbing yourself at the same time.It’s kind of like going to Las Vegas with friends and instead of going out to enjoy the food, shops, the spa, the shows, and the clubs you spend all your time at the casino playing this one sh.tty slot machine. Your friends tell you to give it a rest but you’re in so deep, you’ve convinced yourself that the second you leave and “give up,” someone much less deserving is going to sit down and win your jackpot.
So what happens? You never win the big jackpot. You end up broke and your friends have all given up on you. The vacation is over. You’ve wasted your time and feel worse than you ever did before you sat down to play as a jackpot hopeful.There was no convincing you otherwise while you were playing. You were in a trance.
Very focused and rightfully so. You put everything you had – all of your money, emotions, and happiness into a game in which the house always wins.Waiting around for someone to be ready or change is not love. It’s a massive.When you wait around for and continually excuse someone that, they’re never going to view your dedication to them as“Wow! I’m so lucky. Look at how much of an unavailable jerk I’ve been and look at this gem in front of me. I see it all now. She has put up with so much crap from me.
I’m so lucky and ready to put a ring on it. I will never behave this way again even though I’ve been consistently doing so my entire life.”He’s going to thinkI can use her for an easy hookup when I want. She puts up with my behavior, helps me out, and I can do whatever I want in the meantime. She can’t have that much self-respect if she keeps putting up with what I’m doing. There is nothing to chase because she’s always there. Who else is around?”This is what you need to remember.
I have bounced this off of many men (and personally, learned the hard way)Allowing yourself to be strung along does not translate to you or anyone around you that you are being selfless, dedicated, patient, admirable and that you are a keeper or a good catch. It translates that you are in denial, need validation like you need oxygen, and have zero.What if Liam Neeson did that in the movie Taken? What If he allowed himself to get strung along by the kidnappers who had his daughter and stayed in this fearful limbo where he avoided everything? Those movies did so well because Neeson’s character takes life by the balls, is dynamic, and takes action.Be the dynamic character in your own life – not some flailing, indecisive, scared, and overly chatty doormat.You deserve more than being strung along and waiting around for someone to change, make up their mind, have space, have time to think, get clean, get help, leave their girlfriend, grow up, etc.
Even if he asks you on bended knee with roses and a 10 string orchestra to wait for him, set your and remember that you need to value your own time and have your own back first.“But I don’t know if I’m really getting strung along, Natasha.”YES. DO.Your gut knows because you feel more confused than secure and are more depressed than you are happy.I realized that 100% of the time I was being strung along and waiting was because I was afraid of failure and terrified of. As long as I could be the mayor of limbo land, I didn’t have to deal. I always had something to talk about with my girlfriends. There was always some issue of his to obsess over and some problem of his that I needed to better to fix.When the right guy comes along (yes, they exist), you will both choose each other. I dated a lot from the age of 17 and you know what?
The first relationship that I ever had where the was a mutual choosing of one another wasn’t until I was much older and many years had passed. That doesn’t have to be you.Anyone who strings you along does not value, respect or love you enough because they don’t value, respect, and love themselves enough. They are all too comfortable with keeping the Happily Ever After door open just enough for you to have hope and stick around while they continue to use you.Stop waiting for life to “happen” when someone changes and start making changes within by acting on the recognition of the strings that you are no longer willing to latch onto.This is how to stop being strung along by a guy.x Natasha+ If you need further and more personalized help with your relationship, please look into working with me. I love and I am so so grateful for this post and your wisdom.
Every bit of it is so on point. Of course I know I’m being strung along by “that guy I can’t get over.” This has been going on for about two years. When we met, we dated for about 3 months straight until he disappeared. Then he’s messed with my mind since.
Of course I could’ve walked away when he first disappeared, but I didn’t because I liked him. I would justify many of actions. And here I am now, still in the same cycle. We go without talking for like 2 or 3 months, then reconnect and “catch up.” When we do hang out he acts like if we’re dating. Pays for dinner, holds my hand, let’s me sleep over, cuddles, blah.blah.blah. Obvious, because he could get what he wants with no labels and commitment involved.
I’ve tried cutting things off completely, but I never follow through (and it doesn’t help that his brother is my neighbor)( and no that’s not how we met, it was just coincidence) so I see him often either way. My point is, I’m very much aware of the situation I’m in. I’ve asked my self, have I lost my dignity? Because I know I deserve so much more.
Yet I just can’t seem to get over “that guy!”. I knew in my gut that I have been strung along and lied to for the past year, but I stilled googled itfor validation. This couldn’t be more on point and exactly describes me. I’m finding the strength to walk away from a hopeless situation and face my fears of rejection and loneliness associated with my marriage ending because my ex had an affair. This guy was the first I felt comfortable enough getting close to since my divorce and he smelled the insecurity and willingness to put up with anything from a mile away. And he quickly formed that ‘exclusive, but I need time to be completely committed’ relationship with me. I’ve had someone contact me to tell me he’s seeing other women.
I confronted him, he denied. I find him on dating websites and call him out. He turns it around on me, ‘why are you on the site?’. He won’t tell me what our relationship is, and every time I ‘walk away’ he doesn’t fight for me to stay, and now pretty much expects me to come running back a week later and pick up right where we left off, without any discussion or conversation about what was bothering me.
Because he knows I won’t challenge it out of fear of him walking away. It has to stop. And it stops now. I’m reading this every day to remind myself that I’m worth more, I need to work on me, and that I’m wasting my time with him. Thank you so much!!
Hello Natasha, I wish I knew you a long time ago. I have tears running down my face; as you said it so real, & raw.
Omg I needed to hear this truth. I cannot believe; but I do believe as I needed this So bad. Why has no one else in my life said this in this manner to me?It’s been 8 years with Chris.
& I never completely realized this so clearly as I do today, right now. Justified tears. humiliation, just grew up. Needed s strong mom who felt good about herself. I’m helped Now.denise. Thank you so much for this. Every single relationship I’ve ever had has been this, and I am so unbelievably angry with myself for letting those men decide my self worth.
Pcgameswindows.com provides more than 50 different game categories: free PC Games, perplexing arcades, dazzling puzzles and brain-twisters, captivating games for boys and girls, absorbing board games, etc.All the free pc games from Pcgameswindows.com are totally free and have no time limits, so that you can have download games at once! On our website you will find a great number of best free pc games download. Bike race free games download. Choose any you like, download it now and enjoy stunning graphics, marvelous sound effect and diverse music of this free PC games.Bookmark our website and come back for downloading and playing PC Games as often as you wish!If you like play free pc games you can try too.Download free games for pc now and dive into the bright world of joy! Bike Racing GamesBike Racing Games Free Download For PC!Our free Games For PC are downloadable for windows 7/8/8.1/10/xp/vista.We provide you with the latest selection of free games download that will bring you lots of fun! Enjoy playing top-class PC games any time you want!
Every time I got into a relationship I became unhappy and insecure. Compared myself to other women. Obsessed over their exes. Tried to be the one who was always there. Tried to turn myself into the perfect person for them. Became everything but myself.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why do we do this? Since when did I become this insecure? I’m not doing this ever again.
I’m so happy I googled this and found your article. Thank you so much for writing it you have no idea how much strength you’ve just given me. God bless xx.
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you Natasha. I am in this exact situation currently, only it is my girlfriend who is acting this way. This is one of the best articles I’ve found addressing this. I’m the guy, but I’m the caring & empathetic one.
I think it’s because, to me, real love is such a wonderful thing. It has been a heart breaking rollercoaster not being treated as a priority, & I know I deserve better. The funny thing is I am very confident in myself, & am generally very alpha, but this has been a real blow to my self esteem, because it’s hard to let go of someone you really love. To all the ladies reading this, there are a lot of amazing guys out there that don’t act like this, I am proof. Don’t lose hope; You’re valuable just like me.
Thank you all for having genuine hearts, & for all the effort you put in.
...'>Strung Along By Narcissist(10.04.2020)I met a very charming, handsome and intelligent man who seemed to really like being with me. We would text each other in between the times we would have a date and they would become very sexually explicit, things he wanted to do.
The guy who\'s stringing you along will move onto the next subject whenever anything about the future comes up. He\'s a master at dodging the bullet, and you can never count on definite plans with.
Then he wanted nude pics, but I didn’t mind because we had been intimate already. After that his sexual ideas became stranger, wanting two girls at the same time, experimenting with animals (neither of which ever happened ). This went on for almost a year, talking about his desires and dating once or twice a month. Then when I became annoyed at his insistence on having other women he started acting angry, said I was being too sensitive and began to deliberately push my buttons every time we talked, eventually leading to the breakup.
Is this the behavior of a narcissist?.
You may not think about or care to admit it, but your gut knows when you are being strung along. Yet, it’s still helpful to know how to stop being strung along by a guy. Blitzkrieg 2 download.
Is there a way to stop rehashing the past and rehearsing the future? Is there a way to stop being strung along by a guy?Here’s what I’ve learned:Waiting around for someone to validate you from a call or text back is a slow and eventual murder of your self-esteem. And without, you will always look to others to give you worth and value. Unavailable guys are all too willing to accommodate because just like desperation, they can smell a backbone-less, insecure girl from a mile away. One that will put up with their unavailability, not pressure them into anything serious, and that they can keep stringing along.If this sounds familiar guess what? You’re living in the land of delusional limbo and robbing yourself at the same time.It’s kind of like going to Las Vegas with friends and instead of going out to enjoy the food, shops, the spa, the shows, and the clubs you spend all your time at the casino playing this one sh.tty slot machine. Your friends tell you to give it a rest but you’re in so deep, you’ve convinced yourself that the second you leave and “give up,” someone much less deserving is going to sit down and win your jackpot.
So what happens? You never win the big jackpot. You end up broke and your friends have all given up on you. The vacation is over. You’ve wasted your time and feel worse than you ever did before you sat down to play as a jackpot hopeful.There was no convincing you otherwise while you were playing. You were in a trance.
Very focused and rightfully so. You put everything you had – all of your money, emotions, and happiness into a game in which the house always wins.Waiting around for someone to be ready or change is not love. It’s a massive.When you wait around for and continually excuse someone that, they’re never going to view your dedication to them as“Wow! I’m so lucky. Look at how much of an unavailable jerk I’ve been and look at this gem in front of me. I see it all now. She has put up with so much crap from me.
I’m so lucky and ready to put a ring on it. I will never behave this way again even though I’ve been consistently doing so my entire life.”He’s going to thinkI can use her for an easy hookup when I want. She puts up with my behavior, helps me out, and I can do whatever I want in the meantime. She can’t have that much self-respect if she keeps putting up with what I’m doing. There is nothing to chase because she’s always there. Who else is around?”This is what you need to remember.
I have bounced this off of many men (and personally, learned the hard way)Allowing yourself to be strung along does not translate to you or anyone around you that you are being selfless, dedicated, patient, admirable and that you are a keeper or a good catch. It translates that you are in denial, need validation like you need oxygen, and have zero.What if Liam Neeson did that in the movie Taken? What If he allowed himself to get strung along by the kidnappers who had his daughter and stayed in this fearful limbo where he avoided everything? Those movies did so well because Neeson’s character takes life by the balls, is dynamic, and takes action.Be the dynamic character in your own life – not some flailing, indecisive, scared, and overly chatty doormat.You deserve more than being strung along and waiting around for someone to change, make up their mind, have space, have time to think, get clean, get help, leave their girlfriend, grow up, etc.
Even if he asks you on bended knee with roses and a 10 string orchestra to wait for him, set your and remember that you need to value your own time and have your own back first.“But I don’t know if I’m really getting strung along, Natasha.”YES. DO.Your gut knows because you feel more confused than secure and are more depressed than you are happy.I realized that 100% of the time I was being strung along and waiting was because I was afraid of failure and terrified of. As long as I could be the mayor of limbo land, I didn’t have to deal. I always had something to talk about with my girlfriends. There was always some issue of his to obsess over and some problem of his that I needed to better to fix.When the right guy comes along (yes, they exist), you will both choose each other. I dated a lot from the age of 17 and you know what?
The first relationship that I ever had where the was a mutual choosing of one another wasn’t until I was much older and many years had passed. That doesn’t have to be you.Anyone who strings you along does not value, respect or love you enough because they don’t value, respect, and love themselves enough. They are all too comfortable with keeping the Happily Ever After door open just enough for you to have hope and stick around while they continue to use you.Stop waiting for life to “happen” when someone changes and start making changes within by acting on the recognition of the strings that you are no longer willing to latch onto.This is how to stop being strung along by a guy.x Natasha+ If you need further and more personalized help with your relationship, please look into working with me. I love and I am so so grateful for this post and your wisdom.
Every bit of it is so on point. Of course I know I’m being strung along by “that guy I can’t get over.” This has been going on for about two years. When we met, we dated for about 3 months straight until he disappeared. Then he’s messed with my mind since.
Of course I could’ve walked away when he first disappeared, but I didn’t because I liked him. I would justify many of actions. And here I am now, still in the same cycle. We go without talking for like 2 or 3 months, then reconnect and “catch up.” When we do hang out he acts like if we’re dating. Pays for dinner, holds my hand, let’s me sleep over, cuddles, blah.blah.blah. Obvious, because he could get what he wants with no labels and commitment involved.
I’ve tried cutting things off completely, but I never follow through (and it doesn’t help that his brother is my neighbor)( and no that’s not how we met, it was just coincidence) so I see him often either way. My point is, I’m very much aware of the situation I’m in. I’ve asked my self, have I lost my dignity? Because I know I deserve so much more.
Yet I just can’t seem to get over “that guy!”. I knew in my gut that I have been strung along and lied to for the past year, but I stilled googled itfor validation. This couldn’t be more on point and exactly describes me. I’m finding the strength to walk away from a hopeless situation and face my fears of rejection and loneliness associated with my marriage ending because my ex had an affair. This guy was the first I felt comfortable enough getting close to since my divorce and he smelled the insecurity and willingness to put up with anything from a mile away. And he quickly formed that ‘exclusive, but I need time to be completely committed’ relationship with me. I’ve had someone contact me to tell me he’s seeing other women.
I confronted him, he denied. I find him on dating websites and call him out. He turns it around on me, ‘why are you on the site?’. He won’t tell me what our relationship is, and every time I ‘walk away’ he doesn’t fight for me to stay, and now pretty much expects me to come running back a week later and pick up right where we left off, without any discussion or conversation about what was bothering me.
Because he knows I won’t challenge it out of fear of him walking away. It has to stop. And it stops now. I’m reading this every day to remind myself that I’m worth more, I need to work on me, and that I’m wasting my time with him. Thank you so much!!
Hello Natasha, I wish I knew you a long time ago. I have tears running down my face; as you said it so real, & raw.
Omg I needed to hear this truth. I cannot believe; but I do believe as I needed this So bad. Why has no one else in my life said this in this manner to me?It’s been 8 years with Chris.
& I never completely realized this so clearly as I do today, right now. Justified tears. humiliation, just grew up. Needed s strong mom who felt good about herself. I’m helped Now.denise. Thank you so much for this. Every single relationship I’ve ever had has been this, and I am so unbelievably angry with myself for letting those men decide my self worth.
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Every time I got into a relationship I became unhappy and insecure. Compared myself to other women. Obsessed over their exes. Tried to be the one who was always there. Tried to turn myself into the perfect person for them. Became everything but myself.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why do we do this? Since when did I become this insecure? I’m not doing this ever again.
I’m so happy I googled this and found your article. Thank you so much for writing it you have no idea how much strength you’ve just given me. God bless xx.
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you Natasha. I am in this exact situation currently, only it is my girlfriend who is acting this way. This is one of the best articles I’ve found addressing this. I’m the guy, but I’m the caring & empathetic one.
I think it’s because, to me, real love is such a wonderful thing. It has been a heart breaking rollercoaster not being treated as a priority, & I know I deserve better. The funny thing is I am very confident in myself, & am generally very alpha, but this has been a real blow to my self esteem, because it’s hard to let go of someone you really love. To all the ladies reading this, there are a lot of amazing guys out there that don’t act like this, I am proof. Don’t lose hope; You’re valuable just like me.
Thank you all for having genuine hearts, & for all the effort you put in.
...'>Strung Along By Narcissist(10.04.2020)