The Gardens Between App Walkthrough

Sep 21, 2018  The Gardens Between uses a unique time-scrubbing gameplay mechanic that allows the player to manipulate time with the push of a button. While the game may seem simple at first, there are several moments where you may find yourself stumped. This step-by-step guide will tell you how to solve each puzzle in The Gardens Between for when you get.


The Voxel Agent’s new single-player puzzle adventure The Gardens Between centers around the nuanced memories of two friends, Arina and Frendt. The Gardens Between uses a unique time-scrubbing gameplay mechanic that allows the player to manipulate time with the push of a button. While the game may seem simple at first, there are several moments where you may find yourself stumped. This step-by-step guide will tell you how to solve each puzzle in The Gardens Between for when you get stuck and need a nudge in the right direction.

All Puzzle Solutions in The Gardens Between

Each puzzle island in The Gardens Between is grouped under a specific constellation, which represents a unique memory between Arina and Frendt. We’ve organized this guide by the theme of each constellation, with each puzzle listed in the numerical order they are encountered in the game.

The goal of each puzzle in The Gardens Between is to put a light orb into Arina’s lantern and find a way to bring the lantern to the altar at the top. In general, Arina will interact with things pertaining to the lantern, while Frendt will interact with all other objects, such as hanging bells that reveal light orbs as well as totems that slow down time.

Constellation 1: Moving Day

These first two puzzle locations are rather simple, as they are intended to introduce the basic controls and gameplay mechanics of the game.

Puzzle #1 - Newcomer

  1. Instead of moving forward, push left to reverse time, causing a light orb to appear.
  2. Go forward and have Arina grab the lantern containing the light orb.
  3. Continue up the path and have Arina and Frendt place the lantern into the alter.

Puzzle #2 - Welcome

  1. Walk forward on the path. Have Frendt ring the hanging bell, causing a light flower to bloom.
  2. Reverse back to the flower to have Arina obtain the light orb in her lantern.
  3. Have Arina place the lantern into the bridge ahead to form a new walking path.
  4. As you continue up the path, you’ll notice the light orb gets absorbed by the dark orb. Have Frendt ring the bell ahead of the dark orb, causing its flower to close.
  5. Return to the flower with the light orb with Arina, then head to the top of the garden.

Constellation 2: Pool Party

These puzzles introduce new moving parts that involve having the lantern travel across the garden on its own to pick up light orbs.

Puzzle #3 - Garden Hose

  1. Walk up the path. Place Arina’s lantern into the lantern-holding cube that lands to the right.
  2. With the lantern in the cube, reverse time so that the lantern picks up the light orb from the flower above the cooler.
  3. Go forward and grab the lantern, then place it onto the bridge to form a new path using the light orb.
  4. Continue up the path until you reach a hanging bell that Frendt can ring. Ring the bell to close up the dark orb flower in the bucket.
  5. Reverse time back down the hill to reach the nearest jumping cube, then place the lantern on it.
  6. Go forward until the jumping cube fills the lantern with another light orb, then reverse back to retrieve the newly lit lantern.
  7. Continue up the hill to reach the altar at the top and complete the first of the two pool party puzzles.

Puzzle #4 - Kiddie Pool

  1. Head up the path and continue past the kiddie pool. Place Arina’s lantern into the jumping cube that lands just before the bridge.
  2. Walk backward to reverse time so that the cube and lantern jump over the pool, grabbing the light orb from the hanging flower above.
  3. Go forward and take the lantern from the cube, then use its light to form the bridge.
  4. Walk up the path until the hanging flower adds another light orb to Arina’s lantern.
  5. Reverse time and place the lantern onto the jumping cube just before the wooden footbridge.
  6. Walk across the footbridge, then pick up the lantern at the next cube landing.
  7. Go forward to make the cube jump to the next square, then place the lantern on it once again. Your lantern should still contain the light orb.
  8. Continue forward, then retrieve the lantern one last time at the final cube landing. Jump across to the altar to complete the puzzle.

Constellation 3: Games & Entertainment

These next three puzzles feature various forms of entertainment, from Jenga to video games. This set of puzzles also introduce a new mechanic that allows Frendt to manipulate objects while time is frozen.

Puzzle #5 - Jenga & Dominos

  1. Cross the wood plank and have Frendt interact with the totem. While time is frozen, rewind to the left to restore the Jenga pieces and clear the path ahead.
  2. Have Arina pick up a light orb with her lantern to create the light bridge.
  3. Cross the bridge and have Frendt interact with the next totem to freeze the scene. Scrub time to the right to knock over the dominos and have the light orb flower fall down to the path.
  4. Cross the footbridge and have Arina grab the light orb from the flower ahead.
  5. Walk backward and have Frendt ring the bell to close up the dark orb flower closest to the footbridge.
  6. Continue reversing backward until you can interact with the totem again to stop time. With the scene frozen, rewind to restore the dominos to their upright position to unlock an achievement.
  7. Go forward across the footbridge and up the path, making sure to ring the bell once more before Arina reaches the second dark orb flower. Continue up the steps to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle #6 - Video Games

  1. Walk forward along the path, noting how Frendt interacts with the remote control.
  2. Have Frendt interact with the totem at the end of the path. Reverse time so that the TV cord plugs into the socket to power the TV set.
  3. Walk backward and return to the remote control, stopping so that Frendt’s hand stays on the button.
  4. This causes the VCR to rewind and eject a video cassette tape that you can use to reach a new walking path.
  5. Walk forward up the cassette tape path and have Arina activate the light bridge using the light orb from the nearby flower. Cross the bridge.
  6. Place Arina’s lantern into the jumping cube. Walk forward so that the cube jumps into the TV set.
  7. Use Frendt to interact with the totem to take control of the game on the television set. Rewind time so that the black crow appears and the lantern picks up the light orb.
  8. Get out of the totem mode, then walk backward to return to the lantern and pick it up. Carry the lantern to the top to finish the puzzle.

Puzzle #7 - Couch Potatoes

  1. Walk up the path to the right. Use the totem to freeze time and move the jumping cube so it lands beside Arina. Have Arina place the lantern onto the jumping cube.
  2. Walk backward and have Frendt interact with the totem again. In frozen time, move the jumping cube and lantern so that they are positioned underneath the lamp shade.
  3. Get out of the totem, then walk forward to fill the lantern with the light orb from the falling flower.
  4. Reverse by walking back to the totem. Use the totem to move the jumping cube back to where Arina can reach it. Pick up the lantern and use it to create the light bridge ahead.
  5. Arina and Frendt take two separate paths in the next section. Start by activating the totem and moving the jumping cube so that it is beside Arina on the couch.
  6. Get out of the totem and have Arina place the lantern on the cube.
  7. Activate the totem as Frendt again and move time forward so that the jumping cube is positioned underneath the falling carpet on the right. This holds up the carpet so you can ring the bell.
  8. Get out of the totem and walk forward to have Frendt ring the hanging bell, causing the light orb flower from the popcorn bowl to bloom.
  9. Reverse time and activate the previous totem. With time frozen, move the jumping cube so that it’s in the path of the popcorn bowl. Get out of the totem and go forward in time to fill the lantern with light.
  10. Move the jumping cube with the lit lantern back to where Arina is on the couch. Grab the lantern and proceed to the end of the puzzle.
The gardens between achievements walkthrough

Constellation 4: The Treehouse

The treehouse puzzles in The Gardens Between introduce the idea of using light to clear smoke from an area.

Puzzle #8 - Construction

  1. Walk forward across the smoke bridge. Grab the light orb with your lantern and go forward to clear the smoke blocking the path ahead. The dark orb will remove the light from your lantern.
  2. When you reach the saw, scrub back and forth through time to have Arina jump up and down on the saw handle to cut the plank.
  3. Continue across the planks and have Frendt ring the hanging bell. Collect the light orb with your lantern and walk forward through the smoke ahead. The dark orb will clear your lantern of light.
  4. Keep walking along the path until you reach the light orb flower once again. With the light in your lantern, walk a few steps back to ring the bell that was once covered in smoke. This closes the light orb flower.
  5. Since you can’t cross the smoke bridge with a lit lantern, walk backwards to the dark orb flower to clear the light from your lantern, then proceed up the path.
  6. Grab the light orb from the final flower and complete the puzzle.

Puzzle #9 - Paint Buckets

This puzzle involves several moving parts, including jumping lantern holders that dip themselves into paint buckets. You’ll have to pay attention to the paint of each jumping cube to solve this puzzle.

  1. Walk up the path and ring the hanging bell. Continue until Arina reaches three paint-covered cubes sitting in a row.
  2. Place your lantern in the cube on the far right, closest to the tire swing.
  3. Reverse time and walk back down toward where you started until your lantern is filled with light.
  4. Go forward up the path and retrieve the lantern, then use it to create the light bridge ahead.
  5. Continue to the top of the island. Place your lantern into the pink cube closest to the final altar.
  6. Reverse time back down the hill until the pink cube reaches the light flower and fills your lantern with light.
  7. Go forward in time, back to the top of the island. Grab your lantern and complete the puzzle.

Puzzle #10 - The Elevator

This puzzle involves managing an elevator pulley system that you must raise and lower throughout the puzzle.

  1. Start by activating the totem and moving the elevator down so that the platform with the keyboard is beside the bridge. Disconnect from the totem and have Arina place the lantern onto the elevator cube.
  2. Freeze time again and move the platform down to fill the lantern with light at the flower below.
  3. Grab the lantern and walk up the path to create the light bridge. Cross the bridge and continue up the steps.
  4. Activate the next totem to control the elevator once again. Bring the same platform up to the second level beside the wooden footbridge and have Arina place the lantern on the cube once more.
  5. Go back to the totem and move the pulley down to the flower to fill the lantern with light.
  6. Continue up the path and ring the smoke-covered bell, exposing the dark orb flower on the cinder block on the opposite end of the pulley. You will need to use the totem to move the dark flower so that you can safely pass through the smoke ahead.
  7. Move the dark flower so that it is up high by the ladder near the top of the treehouse. This will remove the lantern light just before you cross the last smoke bridge at the top.
  8. Cross the smoke bridge and activate the totem to move the elevator platform to the top level.
  9. Get out of the totem and have Arina stand on the platform. Freeze time with the totem again and move the platform carrying Arina down to the light flower at the bottom, then bring it to the top again to finish the puzzle.

Constellation 5: The Museum

The two museum puzzles will test your memory as you scrub back and forth through time to apply various puzzle elements to one another.

Puzzle #11 - Computers

  1. Make your way down the path, observing the various gadgets along the way. Walk until you reach the sound machine just before the ladder.
  2. Approach the sound machine so that Frendt interacts with the knob. Turn up the frequency on the device to cause the glass lid to shatter.
  3. Walk backward toward the start, keeping your eye on the digits on the gold typing machine. Line up the highlighted digits and memorize the sequence, which should be 644676.
  4. Reverse backward to return to the calculator you jumped across near the start. You will have to move Arina and Frendt back and forth across the keys until the computer screen above reads 644676.
  5. Upon entering the correct sequence, a series of icons will appear on the computer screen. Jumping on the calculator will shift the cursor over one place.
  6. Highlight the first icon with the cursor, then activate the totem to stop time. While time is frozen, go forward to cause the printer to print a hanging bell.
  7. Get out of the totem and have Frendt ring the new bell that has appeared beneath the printer.
  8. Continue to the ladder at the end and complete the puzzle.

Puzzle #12 - Fossils

Hunt down the bandits who raided your village for resources and prisoners, or destroy their camps to prevent further intrusion. Veil of crows.

  1. Run along the path and stop to activate the first totem on your left.
  2. With time frozen, control the dinosaur bones and move them so that the sap bubble around the hanging bell on the lower path is broken. Don’t move the bones too far into the water, otherwise one of the bones will block your path.
  3. Get out of the totem and go over to ring the bell. Return to the beginning of the island to fill your lantern with the new light orb.
  4. Activate the totem again, and this time collapse the dinosaur bones so that one of them creates a new walkway uphill.
  5. Pass through the smoke and continue to the next totem. Use the totem and control the bones again, this time laying down a bone to reach the lower path containing two flowers, one light and one dark.
  6. Walk with Arina down to the light orb flower. Pick up the light into the lantern, then place the lantern on the jumping cube on the right.
  7. Walk backward along the path back to the totem. Rewind the bones so that they ring the hanging bell above, closing up the orb flowers on the lower path.
  8. Reset the bones so that you can walk down to the path with two (now closed) flowers again. The lantern should now have light. Pick up the lantern and walk backwards to the totem once more.
  9. Now, freeze time with the totem and rewind the bones to ring the hanging bell again, this time closing the dark orb flower on the upper pathway. Set down a bone leading to the upper path.
  10. Get off the totem and climb up the ladder on the top path, where you will reach one last totem previously covered in smoke. Use the totem to construct the full dinosaur skeleton and reach the altar at the top.

Constellation 6: Pipes

For these puzzles, you’ll need to pay attention to not only the main puzzle elements, but also aspects of the environment and how they interact.

Puzzle #13 - Sewer Pipe

  1. Start by running all the way to the right, picking up a light orb in your lantern along the way.
  2. When you reach the second totem, activate it and control the jumping cube so that the purple one lands directly ahead of you on the path.
  3. Have Arina put the lit lantern on the jumping cube, then go back to the totem to freeze time again. Now move the jumping cube with the lantern to the landing square near the start of the island, next to the flower.
  4. Have Arina pick up the lit lantern and run forward. The light in the lantern removes the smoke bridge, opening access to the lower path.
  5. Walk backwards and have Frendt ring the first bell to open the light orb flower beside the cube.
  6. Return to the cube and place the lit lantern down once again.
  7. Walk forward to the second totem that controls the jumping cubes. Have the two cubes swap their positions so that the empty one is now near the start of the puzzle and the one holding the lantern is ahead of you on the path.
  8. Pick up the lit lantern as Arina and walk backward. She will now walk down the lower path, removing the light from the lantern.
  9. Reverse all the way back toward the beginning. Load up the light orb into your lantern and place the lantern onto the cube that’s just before the ladder.
  10. Go forward again to the second totem. Freeze time and move the cube carrying the lantern to the top of the island.
  11. Now, run to the top of the island, pick up the lit lantern, and finish the puzzle.

Puzzle #14 - Electricity

  1. Walk forward toward the smoke barrier. Notice the water dripping from the large pipe.
  2. Stop walking just as the water droplet hits the broke wire, then wait a few moments for the light bulb to turn on.
  3. Run through the smoke before the light loses power again.
  4. Continue down the path along the wooden beams. Note the totem post, but don’t activate it yet.
  5. Clear the next smoke barrier the same way as before. Wait for the water droplet to hit the broken wire and charge the light bulbs, then continue along the path.
  6. Continue walking until you are nearly at the base of the island. Ring the bell just before the helmet.
  7. Reverse to walk backward up the path, using the water droplet to clear the smoke once again.
  8. Now, activate the totem to stop time and control the flowing water. Have the water flow out of the pipe so it continuously hits the broken wires, powering the lights.
  9. Walk backwards to the beginning of the puzzle. A light orb flower will float up the streaming water to ignite your lantern.
  10. With your lantern lit, walk forward down the path once more and stop at the jumping cube that was once covered in smoke. Drop off the lantern onto the jumping cube and proceed down the path.
  11. Activate the totem to stop time and reverse the flowing water back into the pipe.
  12. Use the water droplets to clear the smoke on the path once more. Proceed to the bottom, take the lantern, and finish the puzzle at the altar.

Puzzle #15 - Arina's Jacket

  1. Head down the path and approach the two gaps. Stop at the first totem to freeze time and control the cans flowing toward the drain.
  2. Line up the second row of cans so that Arina can jump across. Don’t do the first row of cans, as they won’t be turned the correct direction when you move them a second time.
  3. Once Arina jumps to the middle platform, activate the second totem and reverse time to bring back the first pair of cans. Unfreeze time and continue across to the next section.
  4. Just as Arina jumps off of the pipe knob, stop mid-jump so that the knob eventually shuts the water off. Continue forward to the next section.
  5. Activate the totem to control the trash floating downstream. Line up the pile of trash that contains a smoke bridge with a milk carton closest to where Frendt is standing. Unfreeze time, then hop across the smoke bridge and then the pizza box.
  6. When you reach the other side, activate the next totem. Reverse time to bring back the trash pile that contains a hanging bell. Walk backward onto the trash and ring the bell.
  7. Walk forward and activate the totem again to align the pizza box closest to you. Resume time and walk backwards across the debris back to Arina.
  8. Rewind far enough so that Arina can grab the light orb, then proceed forward.
  9. Use the totem to move the trash, this time aligning the moving box with your position. Hop across, then have Arina set down the lantern on the holding cube on the middle platform.
  10. Reverse to return to the totem. As you did earlier, line up the trash with the smoke bridge and milk carton closest to your position and hop across. Grab the lantern and continue across the pizza box.
  11. Climb the ladder and continue to the end of the puzzle.

Constellation 7: Evening Activities

The following puzzles not only take place at night, but also feature unique mechanics involving light, sound, and foreshadowing.

Puzzle #16 - Night at the ParkPinatamasters download apk.

  1. Run forward and capture the light orb from the flower beneath the seesaw.
  2. Walk backward to use the totem that was covered in smoke. Use it to control the mural on the wall.
  3. The large cube in the mural impacts the environment around you. Move the cube so that it rests on the tail of the whale, making sure that the seesaw is pointed down on the left so you can cross.
  4. Continue past the whale and across the light bridge.
  5. Activate the totem and move the cube in the mural to the right to sit on the tire.
  6. Disconnect from the totem, then have Arina place the lantern onto the new cube on top the tire.
  7. Go into the mural again. This time move the large cube in the picture to the left until it is sitting on top of the slide.
  8. Disconnect from the totem again and walk backward until you can see the actual slide on the other side of the island. The lantern should become filled with light, both on the slide and in the mural.
  9. Return into the mural and move forward to have the cube clear the purple cloud at the end of the picture. Then, rewind the cube in the mural to the left to place it onto the tire once more.
  10. Disconnect from the mural for a final time and have Arina grab the newly lit lantern. Proceed to the end of the puzzle.

Puzzle #17 - The Walkman

  1. In the next puzzle, walk forward and have Arina go through the smoke on the lower path. Wait for the yellow cube carrying the light orb to come close enough to ignite your lantern.
  2. Get Frendt close to the smoke barrier, then walk forward once the yellow cube passes by to clear the smoke.
  3. With Frendt on the lower path, now you can ring the hanging bell, which opens the dark orb flower ahead.
  4. Continue through the next smoke barrier and over the smoke bridge. Run uphill to reach the Walkman.
  5. You can use Frendt to scrub back and forth on the dial of the Walkman. Each colored station corresponds to one of the jumping cubes on the level.
  6. Tune into the blue station so that the blue cube jumps up toward the Walkman. Tune off of the station so that the cube stays in place.
  7. Have Arina place the lantern onto the cube. Go back to the Walkman and tune into the blue station again so that it lands beside the yellow light flower on the platform below, igniting the lantern. You may need to tune to the yellow station to get the cubes into position.
  8. Tune into the pink station to move the pink cube out of the blue cube’s path. Since it has a dark orb, it will cancel the light in your lantern if they get too close.
  9. Tune to the blue station to have the cube land by the cliff at the base of the Walkman. Pick up the lantern and complete the puzzle.

Puzzle #18 - Stargazing

  1. Move forward to capture the light from the flower falling down the waterfall. Place the lit lantern onto the cube in the smoke ahead.
  2. Cross the smoke bridge and ring the hanging bell. Return to the lantern and pick it up off the cube.
  3. Walk near the falling dark orb to remove the light from your lantern so you can cross the smoke bridge.
  4. Continue toward the next waterfall and capture the light. Create and cross the light bridge.
  5. Ring the bell above the sandwich and continue forward.
  6. Before reaching the smoke walkway, put down the lantern on the cube by the bucket.
  7. Continue toward the telescope. Interact with the totem to control the telescope and change its trajectory.
  8. While controlling the telescope, find the dark orb in the sky and rotate it so that it comes close to the lantern, removing its light.
  9. Now turn the telescope until an outline of a hanging bell appears. Disconnect from the totem and ring the bell.
  10. Return to the totem and rewind the telescope so that the orb in the sky sits off to the left.
  11. Reverse back down the path to retrieve the lantern off the cube.
  12. Go forward toward the telescope again, but this time stop and wait at the ladder. The starlight should be added to your lantern. Continue to the top to finish the puzzle.

Now that you know how to solve every puzzle islands in The Gardens Between, all you have to do now is make it through the final ending puzzle. Good luck!

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About the author

Larryn is a content creator on YouTube and a full-time writer who has written guides and editorial features for various gaming websites. She can often be found at small gatherings preaching the gospel of The Witcher 3.

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