Way Of The Samurai



Way Of The Samurai


Way of the Samurai 4 is a video game developed by Acquire and published by Spike for the PlayStation 3 and Ghostlight for the PC. It is the latest installment of the Way of the Samurai series, first released in Japan in March 3, 2011. The game offers a mix of story, combat and event scenes. Way of the Samurai is a PS2 game released in 2002. Set in 19th Century Japan, the player takes on the role of a ronin named Kenji who wanders into a remote village and becomes involved in a conflict between rival clans. A known feature of Way of the Samurai game is the Choose Your Own Adventure.

Way Of The Samurai

Welcome to the Way of the Samurai - the ultimate on-lineresource for those interested in the Samurai - the feudal Japanese warriors. Thiswebsite will guide you through a detailed look at:

Japanese Samuraihistory - A concise overview of samuraihistory that will allow you to appreciate the many amazing aspects of samuraipast and culture as well as how the samurai continue to affect our present and future. In this section of the site you'll learnabout their famous battles, legendary warriors, the truth of the ninja vssamurai debate, samurai tactics and methods of waging war. From Samurai Masksand Armour construction to Samurai Banners and the Meiji Restoration whicheffectively ended the Samurai class it's all here.

Samurai Swords andWeapons - A detailed guide to the most revered blade in history. In thissection of the site I'll share with your the secrets of the Katana, the samuraisword and how to evaluate them. Further I'll share with you details on how tospot authentic WWII Japanese swords andimportant guides on fake Japanese Swords. You'll also get to learn about the history ofthe sword, how they are made and why the sword is the soul of thesamurai.

Sword Reviews-Here I'll share with you my Japanese Samurai Sword REVIEWS! I'm lucky to have an extensivecollection of real, modern, historical swords and even cheap fakes. I'll giveyou inside honest reviews, cuttingdemonstrations, and more, that will help you to pick up a great deal and theperfect Japanese Swords.

Philosophy - the life of the Samurai wasn't just one of physical combat. As you'll learn in thehistory section, they were more than just warriors. They were poets,artists, painters, tea masters and flower arrangers. Their martial skills werebalanced by their love and cultivation of the arts. In this section of thewebsite I'll explore the different art's of the samurai and their philosophy.

Martial Arts - Inone of the most read sections of the site I'll give you a field guide toauthentic Japanese Martial arts - the true Way of the Samurai - those used bythe Samurai and tested in battle. I'll touch upon the history of differentstyles, many of which you are likely to never have heard of before as they arerarely taught outside of Japan itself. I'll share with you my own experiencesstudying the Japanese Martial Arts and more. I'll also give you resources onwhere to go next if you're interested in studying an authentic Japanese MartialArt.

These are just some examples of the detailed content of this site. There's always more to learn and experience and the site is constantly updated with new articles, videos, review and more.

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The samurai have left us an incredible legacy, both good and bad; it is a unique philosophy that impacts many of us today from movies such as Star Wars to basic business principles, and of course the samurai have entrusted to us a living history in the physical martial arts or koryū, the old martial ways of Japan.

I hope you enjoy this website, as much a record of my own journey as anything, and that you too can gain something from the Way of the Samurai.


Paul 'Batman' O'Brien

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Iaido - The Art of Japanese Swordsmanship

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What the heck was Capcom thinking? I'm guessing it must have been something along the lines of: 'Lets save a buck or two and get the janitor to do the voice acting.'? And to top off the horrible voice acting and even worse dialogue translation, you can't skip the cut scenes ' this has got to be some plane of Dante's Hell, I'm sure of it.

If you manage to ignore the horrendously off-putting cut-scenes and dialogue, Way of the Samurai 2 does offer up some limited fun through a well-developed fight system that allows you to cut and parry your way through a feudal town in a basically open-ended game. In the game you play a out of luck samurai trying to make ends meet in feudal Japan. The story opens with you arriving in the town of Amahara and meeting a girl who gives you a bite to eat. Seconds later a pair of goons, with laughably bad voices and acting, makes generic threats and you are given several possible responses. What you decide to say in return shapes the game; this is true through-out Way of the Samurai 2 and would have made it a really innovative and interesting game to play had it not been for the translations which make much of the dialogue non-sensical and confusing.

The game allows you to wander the town interacting with virtually everybody, and fighting many of them as you try to find missions to accomplish during a ten day period. At the end of this week and a half the game ends in one of ten ways, depending on your choices.

The fighting system is pretty fun, allowing you to slash in a variety of ways and parry your attacker rather realistically, but it just doesn't make up for the confusing and diluted plot. What could have been a good game turns into what feels like random wandering in a confusing town with no real, understandable objectives.

The graphics are passable, but nothing really to write home about and certainly not good enough to off-set the really bad dialogue. I wouldn't waste my time with this game as it was much more frustrating than fun.

Overall rating: 8

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