There are many alleged signs of demonic oppression and infestation, strange clues that a demon may be haunting you or your home.But what is a demon?Some believe demons are fallen angels, though they’re never referred to as such in the Bible. Others look to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Enoch, which describe demons as the, the children of angels and humans.Demons are often described as supernatural and malevolent entities that exist in many religions around the world, under different names. A perhaps demon-like equivalent exists in Islam, known as djinns (though they are not the same).In of the New Testament, Jesus was said to have cast out many demons, removing them from the bodies of two demon-possessed men. An example of one demon’s appearance (Image: The demon Buer, by Louis Breton, Dictionnaire Infernal)“ ‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ they shouted. ‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’” – Matthew 8:29Demons are mostly known for their ability to possess individuals, thanks in no small part to popular culture and classic horror films like 1973’s The Exorcist.
So evil was Lamashtu, that pregnant women and their loved ones would routinely summon the demon, Pazuzu, to protect them. For the uninitiated, Pazuzu was the demon made famous by the, “The Exorcist” movies! Allegedly, Pazuzu and Lamashtu were fierce rivals, who would attack each other at any chance. Understand How Demons Operate In Your Life - The Basics. Since none of us can claim immunity from the attacks of demons. Are also categories of demons based on their function. For example, if a person illegitimately controls things and people, the specific demon in the Bible that's operating in this person is the Jezebel demon you.
However, before demonic possession occurs, many stages are said to be involved. Demonic oppression is one of them.That is to say, there are stories of such events. As with most things of this nature, there are no concrete answers. Here are some of the reported causes for demonic oppression I’ve come across:. Dealing with the occult or practicing black magic.
Using a Ouija board. Some believe Ouija boards and other occult instruments may invite negative entities into our world, or at the very least open doorways most would rather leave closed. This is the reason many warn against using them at all. Summoning a demon. Yes, people attempt this sometimes, and if stories are to be believed, it does what it says on the box. Probably not something you should try at home. Negative energy.
Overwhelming stress, anger, sleep deprivation, and other negative human emotions may catch the attention of a demon and perhaps allow it an easy route into your life.These might be reasons why a demon would decide to bunk with you. But now, let’s explore some of the alleged signs of a demonic infestation. The things you should, perhaps, watch out for. Signs Of Demonic Oppression In Your Home 1. Strange Noises Image:The sound of a demon is said to be guttural, a harsh growling unlike anything an ordinary animal would produce. This may occur in specific spots, such as closets or hallways. You may even hear strained words or disembodied voices over your shoulder, asking you questions, or threatening you in some way.Other sounds may occur, as well, including banging, stomping, or scratching on walls.
In some cases, people have reported hearing three unexplained knocks in a row — a number that is often repeated by demons as a mockery of the Holy Trinity. Scared Pets & Animals Image:Many believe, your pets included. When a dog starts barking at empty air, he or she may have witnessed a passing spirit.
But you also have those cases when the animal is afraid – terrified, even – growling or hissing at an unseen force hidden from human eyes.Your pet may begin acting aggressively for no apparent reason, and there are even some cases in which a pet has reportedly fallen ill during a demonic attack.In his book, Stephen Wagner relates one such incident, during which a group of girls were “playing” with a Ouija board. All was well, until they contacted a spirit that unexpectedly mentioned their dogs. When they asked the spirit what it meant, it simply replied, “You’ll see.”Not long after, the girls heard their dogs screaming outside. They later found a mysterious burn mark on one of them. Mysterious Shadows Image:Sightings of so-called shadow people may be an indication that a demon is present.
In some cases, the shadows take humanoid forms, but they’ve also appeared as animals, or even simple amorphous blobs that don’t resemble anything at all. You may encounter brief glimpses just outside your vision, or they may appear as full shadows. The Demon in the ChairOne case of a potential demon involving a shadow person sighting was reported by a Reddit user in March of 2017 (unfortunately, the original post is no longer available).While spending the night at her grandparents’ house during a sleepover when she was very young, the witness was shocked awake, only to glimpse a dark silhouette in a chair on the other side of the room. It was awkwardly positioned, sideways, with its arms holding its legs up to its chest.Having learned about Christianity from her parents, at first she thought it could be Jesus, or some other positive entity. But just as she thought that name, the shadowy figure lurched up out of the chair – faster than anything humanly could – and approached her. The figure watched her, and then began doing something very odd, indeed: It started scratching at its own calves, tearing at its own flesh. If it even had any.The witness tried to calm down, and eventually fell back to sleep, if it could be called sleep.
According to her account, it was as though time had warped in some way. She woke up the next morning, but not before she felt a strange breath upon her ear.This encounter with a shadow person upon waking may be related to our next potential sign 4.
Demonic Nightmares Image:Dreams are interesting things. They can tell us a lot about who we are, and what our subconscious minds are really thinking.
They can also, perhaps, act as windows into a world just beyond our own.But that’s not always a world we want to enter.Many have reported having strange and terrible dreams that accompany the unexplained activity in their homes during a haunting, particularly those involving demons. In 2016, for example, another Reddit user with what he believed was such a demon. It was in early October, and he’d just gone to sleep after a very tiring day.That’s when he had what he described as “the worst dream he would ever experience in his life.” It involved something indiscernible but horrifying.
It hovered over his bed, glaring down at him with a “disgusted look,” whispering something he couldn’t quite make out.The dream ended with him waking up hours later, exhausted and sweating. He went out for a walk to clear his head. But when he returned, he found his door wide open – and that was only the beginning of his demonic experience.
He’d go on to witness many of the signs on this list: the loud bangs, the shadows, and even two red eyes staring back at him in the darkness.There are many other cases of people believed to be suffering from demonic oppression who also experience sleep paralysis, or waking up to the sight of dark figures in their room and a terrible smell.However, demonic dreams don’t necessarily have to involve actual encounters with demons. They may be apocalyptic in nature, visions of terrible events, or vivid lucid dreams of horrific experiences. Damage to Religious Symbols Image:Demons don’t take kindly to holy symbols. They may attempt to get rid of crucifixes, Bibles, rosaries, or other religious artifacts.
They may damage anything they view as a threat against their presence.In practice, for example, you may witness a hanging crucifix knocked off the wall. The Smell of Demons Image:One of the most common signs of a demon infestation is a terrible, putrid smell.
The scent of decomposition, or rotting eggs (sulfur). The scent of death.One idea I’ve come upon is that the sulfur smell is actually. This smell occurs, some say, when the demon is upset, or when the area they are inhabiting has been blessed or cleansed.The is said to often be something familiar, such as perfume or a certain brand of cigar.
In other words, non-offensive. A demonic smell, in contrast, will be pungent, and will remind you of rotten things: garbage, spoiled food, rotting meat, or even feces. A Case of Bad Luck Image:Parasitic, or negative entities, are said to sometimes attach themselves to people, draining them of their energy. This causes all sorts of unexplained feelings, including drained emotions, mood swings, and even bad luck.Accidents may occur frequently, your financial situation may suffer. But there may be more to this seeming pattern of misfortune than meets the eye. A demonic attachment may be at fault.Consider the in the Old Testament, in which Job suffered torment at the hands of demons as a test of faith.
This included what, to the outside observer, would have appeared as a period of excessively terrible luck. Visits By “Friendly” Ghosts & Spirits Image:Demons are said to be deceptive.Many, many people warn against the use of Ouija boards, or other tools of divination or spirit communication.
This is because they believe that, oftentimes, any spirits that appear “friendly,” or are claiming to be deceased family members, are very likely demons lying to you.They’re telling you what you want to hear, making it easier to lower your defenses and take control.This can be seen in reports of the demon Zozo, a fiend that seemingly enjoys pretending to be familiar spirits contacting users of the Ouija board. But sooner or later, as the malevolent force it is, causing havoc in the lives of anyone who dares test it.There are many stories of the demon Zozo allegedly “following” Ouija users long after they’ve put the planchette away. Physical and Psychological Disturbances Image:Have you ever been scratched by an otherworldly force? A spiritual attack is said to occur when the victim experiences scratches, bite marks, and other wounds without any ordinary explanation. They may happen anywhere on the body, or even on objects within the house – tiny, mysterious scratches that seem to defy all rationality.In the case of a demon, like the aforementioned knocking sounds, three scratch or claw marks are said to serve as a mockery of the Holy Trinity. But scratches aren’t the only sign related to spiritual attacks: A person may feel odd sensations, like he or she is being watched. Feelings of unease, or even outright nausea and other forms of illness, have also been reported.
The goal, it would seem, is to wear a person down to make possession easier.Together, all of the above signs may be part of what is known as demonic oppression. Demonic Possession Image:Possession, on the other hand, is a topic in and of itself. The end result of everything that came before.A demon’s presence in the home, or attachment to a “haunted” object, may very well be a precursor to demonic possession.
After all, there would be little point in a demon bothering a human if they didn’t want something out of it. And what is that?A vessel.In the famous (or infamous) story of Annabelle, when Ed and Lorraine Warren first visited the two women and their curious Raggedy Ann doll, they say they knew immediately what they were dealing with: a demonic attachment.The demon was only pretending to be the spirit of a young girl attached to the doll, but in reality it was attempting to be welcomed and accepted into their lives, after which it planned to possess one of them. The Warrens referred to this process as “Invitation, Obsession, Infestation, Oppression, and Possession.”Whether or not you believe the tale of Annabelle to be true, it serves as a fairly straightforward example of how a demon may try to worm its way into your life, and set up shop in your house.Subscribe to.
This is the story of how believing in ghosts left me vulnerable to the attacks of a demon, how I eventually brought the demon to my house, and how I got rid of him. I grew up in the church and still believe in God. I may not be in full practice of my faith, but I have had my own life experiences proving His presence in my life.I know God is on my side, and with His help I keep on fighting this battle. I hope to warn everyone about the danger of incubus and succubus demons, and any demonic force that gives sexual pleasure to humans.For those who don't know, here is a brief definition of those types of demons:. An incubus is a male demon that seeks out women to have sex with.
A succubus is a female demon who has sex with men. It all started at a time in my life when I had started watching shows about ghost hunting and was very much obsessed with the subject.
I met an older lady on a website for paranormal activities, and we became friends. This lady claimed she had several ghosts on her property and she even saw and talked to them. She claimed she was a medium. I was more open to believing her at that point in my life. I even heard a ghostly voice on her phone. No one could have duplicated that voice, it was such a faint and off in the distance kind of sound. I really enjoyed her company, so I planned to go stay at her house for a visit.After I arrived at her home, my friend took me to an old house next to hers that had been abandoned for many years.
She brought me inside the house to have an experience, and I did! My friend told me the ghost was of a man who killed his neighbor's kids and who was supposedly still living in that small house.
I could tell the spirit did not like me judging him for his past sins. When I got angry with the ghost, a computer tower flew into the back of my leg. My friend was in front of me when it happened; there is no way she could have done it.I really started to believe my friend when I got a few pictures through an air vent. Something told me to look down and that's when I took pictures of the man's face. They were pretty scary looking pictures. I would share them but unfortunately the quality of the photos was pretty bad since I didn’t have the flash on. For the next couple days, I felt amused by the ghostly adventure and just enjoyed being with my new friend.
I had no idea what lay in store. On day three of my visit I was lying in my bed trying to sleep and I felt a sensation in my private area.
It felt really good, and it kept feeling really good. I had no idea what was going on, but I soon found out the next day when I told my friend what had happened.My friend explained that her house was haunted by a ghost named Romoan, a soldier that died on her property in the French and Indian War. Defiance 2050 walkthrough. She also told me her son-in-law had been attacked by a female ghost, which is why I first started researching the subject of sex and ghosts.Throughout my stay that ghost was communicating with me. My friend recorded him speaking to me at her house.
I would ask questions to try to get him on the recorder, and we caught him on tape twice. When we listened really carefully, we could hear a voice on the tape saying, 'I love you.' In the room I stayed in, before I went to bed, I also heard the spirit say he loved me. Was he a ghost or a demon? I believed it was a ghost then, but now I think he was a demon.I believed my friend's story about the ghost from the French and Indian War, but part of me did not understand how a ghost could have this power to sexually assault a human.
On the last day I was at her house she asked me, 'Do you want to take it home with you?' 'Sure, I can take it home!' I said, jokingly.She responded, 'Seriously. You can take it home with you.
Go ahead, tell Romoan to go home with you.' So I spoke to the house around me. 'Romoan,' I said, 'It's OK if you want to come home with me.' Once home I set house rules and asked for the spirit not to sexually come to me when my husband was home.
But even though I wanted him to, he did not come to me once. It was the weirdest thing; I knew he was there because he revealed himself through practical jokes. He would constantly make noises and turn lights off.I realized I needed more information, so I started to research 'Having sex with ghosts' and stumbled upon a link for incubus and succubus demons that piqued my curiosity.
It described demonic sexual attackers that come to victims while they are sleeping. As I kept reading and researching the subject, I came to the realization that my spirit was not a ghost, but a demon. Partly, I think God showed me this through a negative sense I had started to feel about this demon's presence in my life.I first tried to send it away through the help of a friend who claimed she could send ghosts to the light over the phone. I still don't believe that, but I tried her way because I was desperate and needed to try something.
My friend told me to just ask it to leave, but I still felt a presence in my house even after she claimed she had helped it move on.I felt an eerie evil presence, so I sought a minister to come to my house to pray for my protection and bless the house. After the minister came I was free of the bad feelings for a while, but just recently they have come back. I am worried, but at least I know now that I have God on my side as I fight this battle. To all who summon demons to have sex with you: be careful. You may think you're in charge but you're not. They are in charge, and you may be hurt by the thing that gives you sexual pleasure.
For example, I read about a man who was lonely and saw an article on 'How to summon a succubus demon.' Now he is addicted to a female demon who pleasures him. He has lost his soul and faith due to his sexual addiction. This man is so happy with his succubus that he doesn't even want to meet a real woman and have real sex anymore. I do not encourage this! Why trust a demon?I feel that now its my mission to inform the world of incubus and succubus demons, and I will pray for others out there because it is becoming normal to some to do just what this man did: summon a demon to pleasure them. How perverse and stupid.Luckily, there are already many ministries spreading the word.
The minister who I sought for deliverance told me another member of his church has had many sexual attacks and still fights off the incubus demon. She even goes to the extreme as to put a bible between her legs to rebuke the enemy. I'm not sure why she keeps having attacks. I never had more than the one attack, thank God!I made myself vulnerable to attack because of my belief in ghosts. I truly believe that's why the Incubus came into my life.
After all, it was only after I got into paranormal ghost stuff that I was attacked.I'm not being closed minded when I tell you I believe every ghost out there is really a demon. If you choose to debate me, just research what demons do in peoples lives! They deceive us. Why wouldn't a demon deceive a lot of people to make them think they are a ghost?
You can show me all the ghost pictures you have and I won't change my mind. The picture I have of that man is truly a demonic photo. The face was scary, with darked out eyes and a weird looking expression.So my advice to you is: stay away from ghosts, demons, and other paranormal stuff! Incubus and succubus demons exist. What you think is a ghost could easily be a demon trying to trick you.
My experience is not unusual. If you do your homework and research the subject, you will find thousands of people - maybe millions - all over the world dealing with the same situation. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. HubPages Google AnalyticsThis is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized.
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There are many alleged signs of demonic oppression and infestation, strange clues that a demon may be haunting you or your home.But what is a demon?Some believe demons are fallen angels, though they’re never referred to as such in the Bible. Others look to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Enoch, which describe demons as the, the children of angels and humans.Demons are often described as supernatural and malevolent entities that exist in many religions around the world, under different names. A perhaps demon-like equivalent exists in Islam, known as djinns (though they are not the same).In of the New Testament, Jesus was said to have cast out many demons, removing them from the bodies of two demon-possessed men. An example of one demon’s appearance (Image: The demon Buer, by Louis Breton, Dictionnaire Infernal)“ ‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ they shouted. ‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’” – Matthew 8:29Demons are mostly known for their ability to possess individuals, thanks in no small part to popular culture and classic horror films like 1973’s The Exorcist.
So evil was Lamashtu, that pregnant women and their loved ones would routinely summon the demon, Pazuzu, to protect them. For the uninitiated, Pazuzu was the demon made famous by the, “The Exorcist” movies! Allegedly, Pazuzu and Lamashtu were fierce rivals, who would attack each other at any chance. Understand How Demons Operate In Your Life - The Basics. Since none of us can claim immunity from the attacks of demons. Are also categories of demons based on their function. For example, if a person illegitimately controls things and people, the specific demon in the Bible that\'s operating in this person is the Jezebel demon you.
However, before demonic possession occurs, many stages are said to be involved. Demonic oppression is one of them.That is to say, there are stories of such events. As with most things of this nature, there are no concrete answers. Here are some of the reported causes for demonic oppression I’ve come across:. Dealing with the occult or practicing black magic.
Using a Ouija board. Some believe Ouija boards and other occult instruments may invite negative entities into our world, or at the very least open doorways most would rather leave closed. This is the reason many warn against using them at all. Summoning a demon. Yes, people attempt this sometimes, and if stories are to be believed, it does what it says on the box. Probably not something you should try at home. Negative energy.
Overwhelming stress, anger, sleep deprivation, and other negative human emotions may catch the attention of a demon and perhaps allow it an easy route into your life.These might be reasons why a demon would decide to bunk with you. But now, let’s explore some of the alleged signs of a demonic infestation. The things you should, perhaps, watch out for. Signs Of Demonic Oppression In Your Home 1. Strange Noises Image:The sound of a demon is said to be guttural, a harsh growling unlike anything an ordinary animal would produce. This may occur in specific spots, such as closets or hallways. You may even hear strained words or disembodied voices over your shoulder, asking you questions, or threatening you in some way.Other sounds may occur, as well, including banging, stomping, or scratching on walls.
In some cases, people have reported hearing three unexplained knocks in a row — a number that is often repeated by demons as a mockery of the Holy Trinity. Scared Pets & Animals Image:Many believe, your pets included. When a dog starts barking at empty air, he or she may have witnessed a passing spirit.
But you also have those cases when the animal is afraid – terrified, even – growling or hissing at an unseen force hidden from human eyes.Your pet may begin acting aggressively for no apparent reason, and there are even some cases in which a pet has reportedly fallen ill during a demonic attack.In his book, Stephen Wagner relates one such incident, during which a group of girls were “playing” with a Ouija board. All was well, until they contacted a spirit that unexpectedly mentioned their dogs. When they asked the spirit what it meant, it simply replied, “You’ll see.”Not long after, the girls heard their dogs screaming outside. They later found a mysterious burn mark on one of them. Mysterious Shadows Image:Sightings of so-called shadow people may be an indication that a demon is present.
In some cases, the shadows take humanoid forms, but they’ve also appeared as animals, or even simple amorphous blobs that don’t resemble anything at all. You may encounter brief glimpses just outside your vision, or they may appear as full shadows. The Demon in the ChairOne case of a potential demon involving a shadow person sighting was reported by a Reddit user in March of 2017 (unfortunately, the original post is no longer available).While spending the night at her grandparents’ house during a sleepover when she was very young, the witness was shocked awake, only to glimpse a dark silhouette in a chair on the other side of the room. It was awkwardly positioned, sideways, with its arms holding its legs up to its chest.Having learned about Christianity from her parents, at first she thought it could be Jesus, or some other positive entity. But just as she thought that name, the shadowy figure lurched up out of the chair – faster than anything humanly could – and approached her. The figure watched her, and then began doing something very odd, indeed: It started scratching at its own calves, tearing at its own flesh. If it even had any.The witness tried to calm down, and eventually fell back to sleep, if it could be called sleep.
According to her account, it was as though time had warped in some way. She woke up the next morning, but not before she felt a strange breath upon her ear.This encounter with a shadow person upon waking may be related to our next potential sign 4.
Demonic Nightmares Image:Dreams are interesting things. They can tell us a lot about who we are, and what our subconscious minds are really thinking.
They can also, perhaps, act as windows into a world just beyond our own.But that’s not always a world we want to enter.Many have reported having strange and terrible dreams that accompany the unexplained activity in their homes during a haunting, particularly those involving demons. In 2016, for example, another Reddit user with what he believed was such a demon. It was in early October, and he’d just gone to sleep after a very tiring day.That’s when he had what he described as “the worst dream he would ever experience in his life.” It involved something indiscernible but horrifying.
It hovered over his bed, glaring down at him with a “disgusted look,” whispering something he couldn’t quite make out.The dream ended with him waking up hours later, exhausted and sweating. He went out for a walk to clear his head. But when he returned, he found his door wide open – and that was only the beginning of his demonic experience.
He’d go on to witness many of the signs on this list: the loud bangs, the shadows, and even two red eyes staring back at him in the darkness.There are many other cases of people believed to be suffering from demonic oppression who also experience sleep paralysis, or waking up to the sight of dark figures in their room and a terrible smell.However, demonic dreams don’t necessarily have to involve actual encounters with demons. They may be apocalyptic in nature, visions of terrible events, or vivid lucid dreams of horrific experiences. Damage to Religious Symbols Image:Demons don’t take kindly to holy symbols. They may attempt to get rid of crucifixes, Bibles, rosaries, or other religious artifacts.
They may damage anything they view as a threat against their presence.In practice, for example, you may witness a hanging crucifix knocked off the wall. The Smell of Demons Image:One of the most common signs of a demon infestation is a terrible, putrid smell.
The scent of decomposition, or rotting eggs (sulfur). The scent of death.One idea I’ve come upon is that the sulfur smell is actually. This smell occurs, some say, when the demon is upset, or when the area they are inhabiting has been blessed or cleansed.The is said to often be something familiar, such as perfume or a certain brand of cigar.
In other words, non-offensive. A demonic smell, in contrast, will be pungent, and will remind you of rotten things: garbage, spoiled food, rotting meat, or even feces. A Case of Bad Luck Image:Parasitic, or negative entities, are said to sometimes attach themselves to people, draining them of their energy. This causes all sorts of unexplained feelings, including drained emotions, mood swings, and even bad luck.Accidents may occur frequently, your financial situation may suffer. But there may be more to this seeming pattern of misfortune than meets the eye. A demonic attachment may be at fault.Consider the in the Old Testament, in which Job suffered torment at the hands of demons as a test of faith.
This included what, to the outside observer, would have appeared as a period of excessively terrible luck. Visits By “Friendly” Ghosts & Spirits Image:Demons are said to be deceptive.Many, many people warn against the use of Ouija boards, or other tools of divination or spirit communication.
This is because they believe that, oftentimes, any spirits that appear “friendly,” or are claiming to be deceased family members, are very likely demons lying to you.They’re telling you what you want to hear, making it easier to lower your defenses and take control.This can be seen in reports of the demon Zozo, a fiend that seemingly enjoys pretending to be familiar spirits contacting users of the Ouija board. But sooner or later, as the malevolent force it is, causing havoc in the lives of anyone who dares test it.There are many stories of the demon Zozo allegedly “following” Ouija users long after they’ve put the planchette away. Physical and Psychological Disturbances Image:Have you ever been scratched by an otherworldly force? A spiritual attack is said to occur when the victim experiences scratches, bite marks, and other wounds without any ordinary explanation. They may happen anywhere on the body, or even on objects within the house – tiny, mysterious scratches that seem to defy all rationality.In the case of a demon, like the aforementioned knocking sounds, three scratch or claw marks are said to serve as a mockery of the Holy Trinity. But scratches aren’t the only sign related to spiritual attacks: A person may feel odd sensations, like he or she is being watched. Feelings of unease, or even outright nausea and other forms of illness, have also been reported.
The goal, it would seem, is to wear a person down to make possession easier.Together, all of the above signs may be part of what is known as demonic oppression. Demonic Possession Image:Possession, on the other hand, is a topic in and of itself. The end result of everything that came before.A demon’s presence in the home, or attachment to a “haunted” object, may very well be a precursor to demonic possession.
After all, there would be little point in a demon bothering a human if they didn’t want something out of it. And what is that?A vessel.In the famous (or infamous) story of Annabelle, when Ed and Lorraine Warren first visited the two women and their curious Raggedy Ann doll, they say they knew immediately what they were dealing with: a demonic attachment.The demon was only pretending to be the spirit of a young girl attached to the doll, but in reality it was attempting to be welcomed and accepted into their lives, after which it planned to possess one of them. The Warrens referred to this process as “Invitation, Obsession, Infestation, Oppression, and Possession.”Whether or not you believe the tale of Annabelle to be true, it serves as a fairly straightforward example of how a demon may try to worm its way into your life, and set up shop in your house.Subscribe to.
This is the story of how believing in ghosts left me vulnerable to the attacks of a demon, how I eventually brought the demon to my house, and how I got rid of him. I grew up in the church and still believe in God. I may not be in full practice of my faith, but I have had my own life experiences proving His presence in my life.I know God is on my side, and with His help I keep on fighting this battle. I hope to warn everyone about the danger of incubus and succubus demons, and any demonic force that gives sexual pleasure to humans.For those who don\'t know, here is a brief definition of those types of demons:. An incubus is a male demon that seeks out women to have sex with.
A succubus is a female demon who has sex with men. It all started at a time in my life when I had started watching shows about ghost hunting and was very much obsessed with the subject.
I met an older lady on a website for paranormal activities, and we became friends. This lady claimed she had several ghosts on her property and she even saw and talked to them. She claimed she was a medium. I was more open to believing her at that point in my life. I even heard a ghostly voice on her phone. No one could have duplicated that voice, it was such a faint and off in the distance kind of sound. I really enjoyed her company, so I planned to go stay at her house for a visit.After I arrived at her home, my friend took me to an old house next to hers that had been abandoned for many years.
She brought me inside the house to have an experience, and I did! My friend told me the ghost was of a man who killed his neighbor\'s kids and who was supposedly still living in that small house.
I could tell the spirit did not like me judging him for his past sins. When I got angry with the ghost, a computer tower flew into the back of my leg. My friend was in front of me when it happened; there is no way she could have done it.I really started to believe my friend when I got a few pictures through an air vent. Something told me to look down and that\'s when I took pictures of the man\'s face. They were pretty scary looking pictures. I would share them but unfortunately the quality of the photos was pretty bad since I didn’t have the flash on. For the next couple days, I felt amused by the ghostly adventure and just enjoyed being with my new friend.
I had no idea what lay in store. On day three of my visit I was lying in my bed trying to sleep and I felt a sensation in my private area.
It felt really good, and it kept feeling really good. I had no idea what was going on, but I soon found out the next day when I told my friend what had happened.My friend explained that her house was haunted by a ghost named Romoan, a soldier that died on her property in the French and Indian War. Defiance 2050 walkthrough. She also told me her son-in-law had been attacked by a female ghost, which is why I first started researching the subject of sex and ghosts.Throughout my stay that ghost was communicating with me. My friend recorded him speaking to me at her house.
I would ask questions to try to get him on the recorder, and we caught him on tape twice. When we listened really carefully, we could hear a voice on the tape saying, \'I love you.\' In the room I stayed in, before I went to bed, I also heard the spirit say he loved me. Was he a ghost or a demon? I believed it was a ghost then, but now I think he was a demon.I believed my friend\'s story about the ghost from the French and Indian War, but part of me did not understand how a ghost could have this power to sexually assault a human.
On the last day I was at her house she asked me, \'Do you want to take it home with you?\' 'Sure, I can take it home!\' I said, jokingly.She responded, \'Seriously. You can take it home with you.
Go ahead, tell Romoan to go home with you.\' So I spoke to the house around me. \'Romoan,\' I said, \'It\'s OK if you want to come home with me.\' Once home I set house rules and asked for the spirit not to sexually come to me when my husband was home.
But even though I wanted him to, he did not come to me once. It was the weirdest thing; I knew he was there because he revealed himself through practical jokes. He would constantly make noises and turn lights off.I realized I needed more information, so I started to research \'Having sex with ghosts\' and stumbled upon a link for incubus and succubus demons that piqued my curiosity.
It described demonic sexual attackers that come to victims while they are sleeping. As I kept reading and researching the subject, I came to the realization that my spirit was not a ghost, but a demon. Partly, I think God showed me this through a negative sense I had started to feel about this demon\'s presence in my life.I first tried to send it away through the help of a friend who claimed she could send ghosts to the light over the phone. I still don\'t believe that, but I tried her way because I was desperate and needed to try something.
My friend told me to just ask it to leave, but I still felt a presence in my house even after she claimed she had helped it move on.I felt an eerie evil presence, so I sought a minister to come to my house to pray for my protection and bless the house. After the minister came I was free of the bad feelings for a while, but just recently they have come back. I am worried, but at least I know now that I have God on my side as I fight this battle. To all who summon demons to have sex with you: be careful. You may think you\'re in charge but you\'re not. They are in charge, and you may be hurt by the thing that gives you sexual pleasure.
For example, I read about a man who was lonely and saw an article on \'How to summon a succubus demon.\' Now he is addicted to a female demon who pleasures him. He has lost his soul and faith due to his sexual addiction. This man is so happy with his succubus that he doesn\'t even want to meet a real woman and have real sex anymore. I do not encourage this! Why trust a demon?I feel that now its my mission to inform the world of incubus and succubus demons, and I will pray for others out there because it is becoming normal to some to do just what this man did: summon a demon to pleasure them. How perverse and stupid.Luckily, there are already many ministries spreading the word.
The minister who I sought for deliverance told me another member of his church has had many sexual attacks and still fights off the incubus demon. She even goes to the extreme as to put a bible between her legs to rebuke the enemy. I\'m not sure why she keeps having attacks. I never had more than the one attack, thank God!I made myself vulnerable to attack because of my belief in ghosts. I truly believe that\'s why the Incubus came into my life.
After all, it was only after I got into paranormal ghost stuff that I was attacked.I\'m not being closed minded when I tell you I believe every ghost out there is really a demon. If you choose to debate me, just research what demons do in peoples lives! They deceive us. Why wouldn\'t a demon deceive a lot of people to make them think they are a ghost?
You can show me all the ghost pictures you have and I won\'t change my mind. The picture I have of that man is truly a demonic photo. The face was scary, with darked out eyes and a weird looking expression.So my advice to you is: stay away from ghosts, demons, and other paranormal stuff! Incubus and succubus demons exist. What you think is a ghost could easily be a demon trying to trick you.
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...'>Demon Attacks Person(26.04.2020)There are many alleged signs of demonic oppression and infestation, strange clues that a demon may be haunting you or your home.But what is a demon?Some believe demons are fallen angels, though they’re never referred to as such in the Bible. Others look to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Enoch, which describe demons as the, the children of angels and humans.Demons are often described as supernatural and malevolent entities that exist in many religions around the world, under different names. A perhaps demon-like equivalent exists in Islam, known as djinns (though they are not the same).In of the New Testament, Jesus was said to have cast out many demons, removing them from the bodies of two demon-possessed men. An example of one demon’s appearance (Image: The demon Buer, by Louis Breton, Dictionnaire Infernal)“ ‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ they shouted. ‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’” – Matthew 8:29Demons are mostly known for their ability to possess individuals, thanks in no small part to popular culture and classic horror films like 1973’s The Exorcist.
So evil was Lamashtu, that pregnant women and their loved ones would routinely summon the demon, Pazuzu, to protect them. For the uninitiated, Pazuzu was the demon made famous by the, “The Exorcist” movies! Allegedly, Pazuzu and Lamashtu were fierce rivals, who would attack each other at any chance. Understand How Demons Operate In Your Life - The Basics. Since none of us can claim immunity from the attacks of demons. Are also categories of demons based on their function. For example, if a person illegitimately controls things and people, the specific demon in the Bible that\'s operating in this person is the Jezebel demon you.
However, before demonic possession occurs, many stages are said to be involved. Demonic oppression is one of them.That is to say, there are stories of such events. As with most things of this nature, there are no concrete answers. Here are some of the reported causes for demonic oppression I’ve come across:. Dealing with the occult or practicing black magic.
Using a Ouija board. Some believe Ouija boards and other occult instruments may invite negative entities into our world, or at the very least open doorways most would rather leave closed. This is the reason many warn against using them at all. Summoning a demon. Yes, people attempt this sometimes, and if stories are to be believed, it does what it says on the box. Probably not something you should try at home. Negative energy.
Overwhelming stress, anger, sleep deprivation, and other negative human emotions may catch the attention of a demon and perhaps allow it an easy route into your life.These might be reasons why a demon would decide to bunk with you. But now, let’s explore some of the alleged signs of a demonic infestation. The things you should, perhaps, watch out for. Signs Of Demonic Oppression In Your Home 1. Strange Noises Image:The sound of a demon is said to be guttural, a harsh growling unlike anything an ordinary animal would produce. This may occur in specific spots, such as closets or hallways. You may even hear strained words or disembodied voices over your shoulder, asking you questions, or threatening you in some way.Other sounds may occur, as well, including banging, stomping, or scratching on walls.
In some cases, people have reported hearing three unexplained knocks in a row — a number that is often repeated by demons as a mockery of the Holy Trinity. Scared Pets & Animals Image:Many believe, your pets included. When a dog starts barking at empty air, he or she may have witnessed a passing spirit.
But you also have those cases when the animal is afraid – terrified, even – growling or hissing at an unseen force hidden from human eyes.Your pet may begin acting aggressively for no apparent reason, and there are even some cases in which a pet has reportedly fallen ill during a demonic attack.In his book, Stephen Wagner relates one such incident, during which a group of girls were “playing” with a Ouija board. All was well, until they contacted a spirit that unexpectedly mentioned their dogs. When they asked the spirit what it meant, it simply replied, “You’ll see.”Not long after, the girls heard their dogs screaming outside. They later found a mysterious burn mark on one of them. Mysterious Shadows Image:Sightings of so-called shadow people may be an indication that a demon is present.
In some cases, the shadows take humanoid forms, but they’ve also appeared as animals, or even simple amorphous blobs that don’t resemble anything at all. You may encounter brief glimpses just outside your vision, or they may appear as full shadows. The Demon in the ChairOne case of a potential demon involving a shadow person sighting was reported by a Reddit user in March of 2017 (unfortunately, the original post is no longer available).While spending the night at her grandparents’ house during a sleepover when she was very young, the witness was shocked awake, only to glimpse a dark silhouette in a chair on the other side of the room. It was awkwardly positioned, sideways, with its arms holding its legs up to its chest.Having learned about Christianity from her parents, at first she thought it could be Jesus, or some other positive entity. But just as she thought that name, the shadowy figure lurched up out of the chair – faster than anything humanly could – and approached her. The figure watched her, and then began doing something very odd, indeed: It started scratching at its own calves, tearing at its own flesh. If it even had any.The witness tried to calm down, and eventually fell back to sleep, if it could be called sleep.
According to her account, it was as though time had warped in some way. She woke up the next morning, but not before she felt a strange breath upon her ear.This encounter with a shadow person upon waking may be related to our next potential sign 4.
Demonic Nightmares Image:Dreams are interesting things. They can tell us a lot about who we are, and what our subconscious minds are really thinking.
They can also, perhaps, act as windows into a world just beyond our own.But that’s not always a world we want to enter.Many have reported having strange and terrible dreams that accompany the unexplained activity in their homes during a haunting, particularly those involving demons. In 2016, for example, another Reddit user with what he believed was such a demon. It was in early October, and he’d just gone to sleep after a very tiring day.That’s when he had what he described as “the worst dream he would ever experience in his life.” It involved something indiscernible but horrifying.
It hovered over his bed, glaring down at him with a “disgusted look,” whispering something he couldn’t quite make out.The dream ended with him waking up hours later, exhausted and sweating. He went out for a walk to clear his head. But when he returned, he found his door wide open – and that was only the beginning of his demonic experience.
He’d go on to witness many of the signs on this list: the loud bangs, the shadows, and even two red eyes staring back at him in the darkness.There are many other cases of people believed to be suffering from demonic oppression who also experience sleep paralysis, or waking up to the sight of dark figures in their room and a terrible smell.However, demonic dreams don’t necessarily have to involve actual encounters with demons. They may be apocalyptic in nature, visions of terrible events, or vivid lucid dreams of horrific experiences. Damage to Religious Symbols Image:Demons don’t take kindly to holy symbols. They may attempt to get rid of crucifixes, Bibles, rosaries, or other religious artifacts.
They may damage anything they view as a threat against their presence.In practice, for example, you may witness a hanging crucifix knocked off the wall. The Smell of Demons Image:One of the most common signs of a demon infestation is a terrible, putrid smell.
The scent of decomposition, or rotting eggs (sulfur). The scent of death.One idea I’ve come upon is that the sulfur smell is actually. This smell occurs, some say, when the demon is upset, or when the area they are inhabiting has been blessed or cleansed.The is said to often be something familiar, such as perfume or a certain brand of cigar.
In other words, non-offensive. A demonic smell, in contrast, will be pungent, and will remind you of rotten things: garbage, spoiled food, rotting meat, or even feces. A Case of Bad Luck Image:Parasitic, or negative entities, are said to sometimes attach themselves to people, draining them of their energy. This causes all sorts of unexplained feelings, including drained emotions, mood swings, and even bad luck.Accidents may occur frequently, your financial situation may suffer. But there may be more to this seeming pattern of misfortune than meets the eye. A demonic attachment may be at fault.Consider the in the Old Testament, in which Job suffered torment at the hands of demons as a test of faith.
This included what, to the outside observer, would have appeared as a period of excessively terrible luck. Visits By “Friendly” Ghosts & Spirits Image:Demons are said to be deceptive.Many, many people warn against the use of Ouija boards, or other tools of divination or spirit communication.
This is because they believe that, oftentimes, any spirits that appear “friendly,” or are claiming to be deceased family members, are very likely demons lying to you.They’re telling you what you want to hear, making it easier to lower your defenses and take control.This can be seen in reports of the demon Zozo, a fiend that seemingly enjoys pretending to be familiar spirits contacting users of the Ouija board. But sooner or later, as the malevolent force it is, causing havoc in the lives of anyone who dares test it.There are many stories of the demon Zozo allegedly “following” Ouija users long after they’ve put the planchette away. Physical and Psychological Disturbances Image:Have you ever been scratched by an otherworldly force? A spiritual attack is said to occur when the victim experiences scratches, bite marks, and other wounds without any ordinary explanation. They may happen anywhere on the body, or even on objects within the house – tiny, mysterious scratches that seem to defy all rationality.In the case of a demon, like the aforementioned knocking sounds, three scratch or claw marks are said to serve as a mockery of the Holy Trinity. But scratches aren’t the only sign related to spiritual attacks: A person may feel odd sensations, like he or she is being watched. Feelings of unease, or even outright nausea and other forms of illness, have also been reported.
The goal, it would seem, is to wear a person down to make possession easier.Together, all of the above signs may be part of what is known as demonic oppression. Demonic Possession Image:Possession, on the other hand, is a topic in and of itself. The end result of everything that came before.A demon’s presence in the home, or attachment to a “haunted” object, may very well be a precursor to demonic possession.
After all, there would be little point in a demon bothering a human if they didn’t want something out of it. And what is that?A vessel.In the famous (or infamous) story of Annabelle, when Ed and Lorraine Warren first visited the two women and their curious Raggedy Ann doll, they say they knew immediately what they were dealing with: a demonic attachment.The demon was only pretending to be the spirit of a young girl attached to the doll, but in reality it was attempting to be welcomed and accepted into their lives, after which it planned to possess one of them. The Warrens referred to this process as “Invitation, Obsession, Infestation, Oppression, and Possession.”Whether or not you believe the tale of Annabelle to be true, it serves as a fairly straightforward example of how a demon may try to worm its way into your life, and set up shop in your house.Subscribe to.
This is the story of how believing in ghosts left me vulnerable to the attacks of a demon, how I eventually brought the demon to my house, and how I got rid of him. I grew up in the church and still believe in God. I may not be in full practice of my faith, but I have had my own life experiences proving His presence in my life.I know God is on my side, and with His help I keep on fighting this battle. I hope to warn everyone about the danger of incubus and succubus demons, and any demonic force that gives sexual pleasure to humans.For those who don\'t know, here is a brief definition of those types of demons:. An incubus is a male demon that seeks out women to have sex with.
A succubus is a female demon who has sex with men. It all started at a time in my life when I had started watching shows about ghost hunting and was very much obsessed with the subject.
I met an older lady on a website for paranormal activities, and we became friends. This lady claimed she had several ghosts on her property and she even saw and talked to them. She claimed she was a medium. I was more open to believing her at that point in my life. I even heard a ghostly voice on her phone. No one could have duplicated that voice, it was such a faint and off in the distance kind of sound. I really enjoyed her company, so I planned to go stay at her house for a visit.After I arrived at her home, my friend took me to an old house next to hers that had been abandoned for many years.
She brought me inside the house to have an experience, and I did! My friend told me the ghost was of a man who killed his neighbor\'s kids and who was supposedly still living in that small house.
I could tell the spirit did not like me judging him for his past sins. When I got angry with the ghost, a computer tower flew into the back of my leg. My friend was in front of me when it happened; there is no way she could have done it.I really started to believe my friend when I got a few pictures through an air vent. Something told me to look down and that\'s when I took pictures of the man\'s face. They were pretty scary looking pictures. I would share them but unfortunately the quality of the photos was pretty bad since I didn’t have the flash on. For the next couple days, I felt amused by the ghostly adventure and just enjoyed being with my new friend.
I had no idea what lay in store. On day three of my visit I was lying in my bed trying to sleep and I felt a sensation in my private area.
It felt really good, and it kept feeling really good. I had no idea what was going on, but I soon found out the next day when I told my friend what had happened.My friend explained that her house was haunted by a ghost named Romoan, a soldier that died on her property in the French and Indian War. Defiance 2050 walkthrough. She also told me her son-in-law had been attacked by a female ghost, which is why I first started researching the subject of sex and ghosts.Throughout my stay that ghost was communicating with me. My friend recorded him speaking to me at her house.
I would ask questions to try to get him on the recorder, and we caught him on tape twice. When we listened really carefully, we could hear a voice on the tape saying, \'I love you.\' In the room I stayed in, before I went to bed, I also heard the spirit say he loved me. Was he a ghost or a demon? I believed it was a ghost then, but now I think he was a demon.I believed my friend\'s story about the ghost from the French and Indian War, but part of me did not understand how a ghost could have this power to sexually assault a human.
On the last day I was at her house she asked me, \'Do you want to take it home with you?\' 'Sure, I can take it home!\' I said, jokingly.She responded, \'Seriously. You can take it home with you.
Go ahead, tell Romoan to go home with you.\' So I spoke to the house around me. \'Romoan,\' I said, \'It\'s OK if you want to come home with me.\' Once home I set house rules and asked for the spirit not to sexually come to me when my husband was home.
But even though I wanted him to, he did not come to me once. It was the weirdest thing; I knew he was there because he revealed himself through practical jokes. He would constantly make noises and turn lights off.I realized I needed more information, so I started to research \'Having sex with ghosts\' and stumbled upon a link for incubus and succubus demons that piqued my curiosity.
It described demonic sexual attackers that come to victims while they are sleeping. As I kept reading and researching the subject, I came to the realization that my spirit was not a ghost, but a demon. Partly, I think God showed me this through a negative sense I had started to feel about this demon\'s presence in my life.I first tried to send it away through the help of a friend who claimed she could send ghosts to the light over the phone. I still don\'t believe that, but I tried her way because I was desperate and needed to try something.
My friend told me to just ask it to leave, but I still felt a presence in my house even after she claimed she had helped it move on.I felt an eerie evil presence, so I sought a minister to come to my house to pray for my protection and bless the house. After the minister came I was free of the bad feelings for a while, but just recently they have come back. I am worried, but at least I know now that I have God on my side as I fight this battle. To all who summon demons to have sex with you: be careful. You may think you\'re in charge but you\'re not. They are in charge, and you may be hurt by the thing that gives you sexual pleasure.
For example, I read about a man who was lonely and saw an article on \'How to summon a succubus demon.\' Now he is addicted to a female demon who pleasures him. He has lost his soul and faith due to his sexual addiction. This man is so happy with his succubus that he doesn\'t even want to meet a real woman and have real sex anymore. I do not encourage this! Why trust a demon?I feel that now its my mission to inform the world of incubus and succubus demons, and I will pray for others out there because it is becoming normal to some to do just what this man did: summon a demon to pleasure them. How perverse and stupid.Luckily, there are already many ministries spreading the word.
The minister who I sought for deliverance told me another member of his church has had many sexual attacks and still fights off the incubus demon. She even goes to the extreme as to put a bible between her legs to rebuke the enemy. I\'m not sure why she keeps having attacks. I never had more than the one attack, thank God!I made myself vulnerable to attack because of my belief in ghosts. I truly believe that\'s why the Incubus came into my life.
After all, it was only after I got into paranormal ghost stuff that I was attacked.I\'m not being closed minded when I tell you I believe every ghost out there is really a demon. If you choose to debate me, just research what demons do in peoples lives! They deceive us. Why wouldn\'t a demon deceive a lot of people to make them think they are a ghost?
You can show me all the ghost pictures you have and I won\'t change my mind. The picture I have of that man is truly a demonic photo. The face was scary, with darked out eyes and a weird looking expression.So my advice to you is: stay away from ghosts, demons, and other paranormal stuff! Incubus and succubus demons exist. What you think is a ghost could easily be a demon trying to trick you.
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...'>Demon Attacks Person(26.04.2020)